For Your Industry
We provide a vast range of solvents, chemicals and resins to a diverse customer base across Australia and New Zealand. We pride ourselves in working closely with our customers to help them grow their businesses by using the latest chemical technology available.
For a secure bond you can rely on, trust only ASCC range of tackifying resins, plasticers and hyrocarbon and oxygenated fluids. Our products are first rate in industrial adhesives manufacture.
Our proven track record on product quality and stock management is paramount in the supply of raw materials to the manufactures of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and other specialty products.
Auto-related businesses around Australasia rely on ASCC diverse range of products and technical support to drive excellence in productivity and efficiency.Building & Construction
ASCC’s carefully-sourced range of materials helps manufacturers provide consistent quality for products used in home, building and road construction.Composites & Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics
Manufacturers of composite or fibreglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) end products consistently turn to ASCC and our key producers’ range of products in Australia and New Zealand.Drumming & Warehousing
Whether you are looking for Storage, Drum or IBC filling, Inventory management, Container stuffing or destuffing – ASCC is here to assist you.
Household & Personal Care
ASCC supplies innovative materials that benefit customers and the environment, while helping manufacturers create imaginative household and personal care products.